I got a little bit of glue on the eyeball while trying to apply the lashes and I can't get it off. It just smears. These are eyes that came already installed with the Secrist Tina kit. Any tips on how to remove it? Thank you!!
I hope you got the glue off, but if not try wetting a q-tip with water and rubbing it off. Of course this depends on what kind of glue on the eye. I know it will come off if it is Allene's tacky glue. If you got the paper glaze on there like I did one time, good luck because I couldn't remove it. Janie
If you were using E6000, just use a toothpick or tapered end of a paintbrush. If it's paperglaze, ya, good luck. Same if it's superglue, no way that's comeing off. You would try some thinner on a cotton bud. You said it was smeary so if its elmers or tacky, something water soluable just use water and a cotton bud. Or a towel. Hope you can get it off hun.
Yes I got lock tight on one of my triplets that I had cut the eye hole in because the ink wouldn't allow me to do whites in her eye. Now her vynal arround the eye is white and no way is it coming off. They are keeper to give to my three girls now.
oooo poor bub. Can you use acetone June? Just very lightly or let a cotton ball soak for a minute on it? Maybe that will loosen it and you can pick it off or something. I hate to see a good bub gone bad (just a pun sorry) :o