I baked my baby and am fairly happy with my first try.I even have been sanding him to get rid of any uneven surface but he has three moonies that show, one on his lip and two on his forhead. Can I scrap them out and refill them and rebake?? I cant sand down that far. Thanks all.
Yes you should be able to do that ok. Moonies are caused by trapped moisture/air in the clay and if you overwork your clay or (I have heard from expert sculptors) if you roll it in a clay roller more than once, you can also get moonies. Most of the time you can sand them out but if you can't, then yes I would agree with your plan to remove that area and refil with clay and bake. If you are using sculpy to maybe try liquid sculpy instead?
Which clay do you use? I am an ooak artist and use prosculpt baby and fairy light. I have no problems with moonies. I may get one once in awhile with the baby color. I had bad moonies in the past working with sculpey.
Try combining clays..I found I had that prob with SS but it was great once I mixed it with a tiny bit of solid white, or another brand of clay.. Also work the clay well before shaping.
I have spoken with Jack Johnston (who is the creator of Prosculpt) and he said prosculpt is not prone to making moonies, so that's nice. He is also one of the artists/professionals who told me what causes the dreaded moonies! :o