Sherry, teachers seem to be far and few, even here in Australia, when you order you first lot of supplies ,I think they give you a Tuttorial,with all the help in in it.It is called Secrist Guide to Reborning and has a lot of business cards with places like New Jersey, Keno Oregon and the likes, but as I know nothing about your states I hope there is some one on the forum to teach you or even to share a couple of days with you. But you will get a lot of help from the forum and i f you post pics along the way , you will get good and bad critics to let you know how you are going. Thin layers, 130 degrees and 8 mins baking, sugest you buy the DVD,s on Genesis painting and one one rooting and watch them and learn. It woul d probably be the cheapest in the long run. You only need one or two lessons and then you are able to do it at home. Over here one lesson is over two days and cost arround $300.