Hi everybody! i was just about to get started but i´m confused...i got the deluxe kit and it includes the premixed petite paints set, also odorless thinner. But i´m reading some topics on the forum and i´m confused if these paints need thinner or they are ready to use. Sounds dumb but im really lost! lol Thank you!
I think its the complexion paints that dont use the thinner the deluxe kit i think does hun hopefuly a moderator or somone who has used them will pop along and let you know for sure (((hugs)))
ok please ignore what ive written above i have been doing some research on the site about the petite pre mixed paints it says: If using these paints with our training DVDs please keep in mind that these paints do not need to be mixed or have thinner added to them - they are premixed. however the thinner you have that came in your kit is used if you follow the tutorial found here http://www.secristdolls.com/premixed_painting_tips it will show you how to use it with the paints, secrist also recomend you purchase their beginers classroom DVD as it has in there how to use all of these, I hope this helps hun (((big hugs))))
-- Edited by TinyEarthAngels at 15:31, 2008-09-05
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose
Have you seen the tutorial on the Secrist website on how to use the pre-mixed paints? I followed it to paint my baby with pre-mixed paint. It's only for the face, but you basically do the same thing for the limbs. If you need more help with using the Genesis paints over all, here's a link to a tutorial you might like.
If you have the DVD's, that's great too. Don't be afraid to experiment, either. Hope this is helpful.
God Bless You, Andrea D.
'Andrea's Dream Babies: giving every mommy a chance to hold the babies of their dreams . . . forever.' See my website at: www.freewebs.com/andreasdreambabies
LovesDolls, you do need some thinner, just not as much as you would usually need when using non-premixed paints
God Bless You, Andrea D.
'Andrea's Dream Babies: giving every mommy a chance to hold the babies of their dreams . . . forever.' See my website at: www.freewebs.com/andreasdreambabies
I am new to this, and I also have the deluxe started kit. I am confused on how to mix the internal wash. I did not get a seperate jar labeled periwinkle blue. The instructions for mixing that was included in the box instructs me to mix dioxazine purple and ultramarine blue, 2 parts to 1, then lighten with a bit of white. I do not have a jar that says ultramarine blue on it. Can anyone help me with this, I want to start my doll...... Thanks
Thank you very much ladies! its so good for us beginners have all this incredible support by you artists. I want to ask you something about the internal purple wash. Is it always necessary? have you got good results? have you done it on the outside? what about dolldreams site kits? Too much questions again! (excuse if my english is not that good :) Hugs to everybody and lets continue on this wonderful art! Gaby
No, internal purple wash is a matter of personal preference. Secrist recommends it for their dolls. I have gotten good results, kind of. I like the effect. The problem I had in the past is that I didn't realize that I had to bake my doll for 2 extra minutes to cure the paint inside. (That is for a total of 10 minutes instead of 8) so I have "bleeding" in the toes and fingers. That is where the purple comes through the vinyl. But on the face I do like the effect (it didn't not bleed). I don't know if it would work with the doll dreams kits because they are more orange (at least the two I've done) then the Secrist kits which are very neutral.
Ask all the questions you want! We will all try and help with answering them.