Hi, I would like to know the pros and cons of each method of paints: the premixed paints, or the basic paints. Which one is better for beginners? Which one would be considered more 'proffessional' and give you a wider range of options from baby to baby (I would think the basic ones)? Can you get diffrent skintones and shades of color easily with the pre-mixed, or will you get about the same look with each baby? Also, how does the new application method for the pre-mixed change the usual method of Genesis: many thin layers applied and baked inbetween? I simply can't make up my mind as to which ones I want, so any tips and comparing of the two options would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
God Bless You, Andrea D.
'Andrea's Dream Babies: giving every mommy a chance to hold the babies of their dreams . . . forever.' See my website at: www.freewebs.com/andreasdreambabies
I would buy the premix paints but you'll want certain paints to color correct them. I've not used Secrist, only BB premix. I had to add blue and purple and the brow color to get a good brown and red to the blush which was too orange.
I ordered the premixed because I still think yoo should be able to add a bit of another colour to get a differant, shade, I may be wrong.June M from Oz.
Thank you both for your replies. LovesDolls, I've heard that the Secrist doesn't need colors added, I guess I'll find that out if I get them. June, if you post a picture of a baby painted with the premixed, I'd love that. Anbody else have an opinion?
God Bless You, Andrea D.
'Andrea's Dream Babies: giving every mommy a chance to hold the babies of their dreams . . . forever.' See my website at: www.freewebs.com/andreasdreambabies
Andrea, Phoebe is on her way with the premixed paints, and at the minute ,I haven't been able to post pics as they are there but wont come out and go to the forum, I've wrecked my brain over this nearly every day. the same as doing a web page. I down loaded it but don't know what to do with it.June M from Oz.
premixed are great for beginers they alllow you to know the colours and how they are applied, later on people do get inquizitive and make their own mixes experimentation is wonderful to achieve different effects but as always you need to start with the basics in order to grow, i think premix paints are excellent in showing us the colours that give a true effect I belive secrist have done extensive research in this area and have made their colours to give a realism effect in painting our babies, so premix then when you get inquizitive mix add and paint till your little hearts content! thats how i feel anyways hehe (((hugs)))
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose
The premixed paints are good for the reborn artist who does not have experience with mixing paints. Even with a colorwheel it can be difficult to know when to add what color to get the skin or eyebrow color you want. For someone who is comfortable mixing paints it can be more cost effective in the long run to buy larger jars of paint and mix your own colors. I have used both the originals and mixed the colors myself and the premixed. If I were just starting out with this craft I would probably stick with the little jars of premixed until I decided if this were something I wanted to do long term. This is especially true if you are uncomfortable with mixing your own colors. Maybe Secrist will eventually offer larger jars of some of the premixed colors?
Pat C.
Current Avatar Teme, the Black Dragon.
Does not play well with others and run with sissors!
Thank you all for the replies. As I am a beginner, and I don't have much experience on mixing paints, it seems like the pre-mixed are the way to go. For me, they'll be cheaper, as otherwise I'd buy a colorwheel and color comparator and test limb, which together add up to quite a bit. So just a couple more questions: I know the paint application is different with these paints, will that be easier or harder than the 'normal'? And do I still paint in many thin, translucent layers? Thank again.
God Bless You, Andrea D.
'Andrea's Dream Babies: giving every mommy a chance to hold the babies of their dreams . . . forever.' See my website at: www.freewebs.com/andreasdreambabies
The Genisis paints are very easy to use, especially because they are premixed. And yes, many layers... dryed/cooked/heated... and then next layer added. Using very thin coats of paint allows you to apply color a little at a time until you are satisfied with the results. Get some thinner/mineral spirits to thin the paints and keep your brushes good and clean and you'll be fine!
Pat C.
Current Avatar Teme, the Black Dragon.
Does not play well with others and run with sissors!
you should be able to get it at any art and craft store hun you could also maybe try bunnings if you have one, just ask for odourless thinners or odourless solvent ((hugs))
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose
I've been reading about the different mixed and not mixed paints. Being a real newbie . I just started my first doll today. I think I ordered the wrong paint and used the wrong paint. Not so much the wrong paint but I bought the advanced set instead of the premixed. I don't know what I was thinking of. So I had to take a guess if I was mixing enough and getting the right color. I bought the Perwinkle Blue to mix with the thinner inside of the squirt bottle and also wasn't sure how to mix together their either. So I went by a lot of guessing today. So should I now buy the premixed to finish this doll? Or keep guessing? Thanks for any advice. I hope some day to be as talented as you wonderful people!!!! LINDA
Hi linda welcome to the forum hun most beginers will start with the premix paints to learn the basic of colours needed, but it can be done without premix too below is a tutorial for normal genesis paints it may be of help to you, sorry i cant help more (((hugs))) http://www.angelsunawares.net/genesis2.html
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose
Thanks a lot for your time and information. I've been looking at all the works of all the talented people on this forum. You are to very talented and your doll are unbelievable !! I looked at that site it looks great . Looks like at lot of good information. Hope to talk to you again!! LINDA