Hi I Was Thinking Of Starting To Sculpt Minis As well as reborning, i do a lot of sculpting, such as cartoon dogs as firemen and doctors and also bears.
I have been looking on various websites, and they tend to use tin foil for armatures to put the clay over. My question is can you cook foil? Wont it burn? and is it the best method to use? Thanks!
Mo's Miracles ~Where Miracles Are Sent From Heaven
Baby Ffleur...3rd Reborn....Born on 16th November 2008
Most of the sculptors who have not advanced to armatures still use the foil over styro or just a ball of foil. Yes you can bake it. Some prefer to wrap over the foil with white floral tape so either there's no reaction between the clay and foil or just so in case they get a thinner spot of clay, the foil won't show through.
I believe you can use any polymer or other bakable craft clay with this method. You cannot use porcelain or ceramic/stoneware clay that has to go in a kiln though.
I'm not really sure. I know they paint them with something. I have read of some sculptors using powdered/dry pigments for coloring. Maybe post this question about painting the clay in the paint section :) Sorry I couldn't give you more information but if you post in the painting section maybe someone else will know
Yes, you can use Genesis paints on your sculpts as long as you are using Sculpey or Super Sculpey.... I've done it several times and it works quite nicely!
Pat C.
Current Avatar Teme, the Black Dragon.
Does not play well with others and run with sissors!
Pat C, I heard , some time back, when a few artist were doing them over here that you could use make up, such as lipstick, is this true or were they fobbing me off.June M from Oz