Hi, does anyone know: is the oderless thinner that Secrist sells the same thing as odorless mineral spirits? Also: Is the Genesis thinner necessary, and if so, in which parts would you use which thinner? Thanks.
God Bless You, Andrea D.
'Andrea's Dream Babies: giving every mommy a chance to hold the babies of their dreams . . . forever.' See my website at: www.freewebs.com/andreasdreambabies
The odorless thinner that Secrist sells is Mona Lisa brand, and can also be found in many craft supply stores... I don't know if that is the same as the mineral spirits you are talking about. As far as the Genesis thinner goes I guess its use is a personal choice. I've used both of them and each has its own good and bad sides. Mona Lisa thins quite nicely and does not leave your baby with any kind of shine.... However, it evaporates quickly so you will have to watch setting aside your paints for a couple of hours or days... you will have to add thinner again. Genesis mixes nicely but may leave you with a shine if you get too much into the paint. A plus is that you can set aside your paints for hours or days and still have the right mix for painting without having to add thinner again. Pick your poison sweetie... and go for it.
Pat C.
Current Avatar Teme, the Black Dragon.
Does not play well with others and run with sissors!
It leaves no chalky baby no matter how thick you mix and use your paints. Its thins to the very thinnest of mix. And its evaporation rate is almost non-existant... i mix my paints in ceramic egg-cups. They get left sitting uncovered and mixed up for weeks and they don't disappear - well they do but thats b/c i'm using them. Last week leading up to my show thing i was busy with other aspects of getting ready that for a week i did no painting.... my paints stayed mixed as i'd left them with no real evaporation occuring. the pigments settled to the bottom and needed a quick swish to mix back in with the solvent, but otherwise they were fine.... and the reverse-cycle air-con heating blows down where i work and its winter here so the heats been on and still such a small amount evaporated that i'd not even have noticed.
i also don't end up with shiny babies.
i've not tried the genesis brand thinner though so can't tell you anything on that one.
-- Edited by precious_lullabies at 04:15, 2008-08-07
I got the Odorless Paint Thinner, and discovered that it's nothing but odorless mineral spirits. You can buy this at just about any hardware store in a bigger bottle for much cheaper. I just wanted to note this for anyone who is considering buying a refill from Secrist. I would still suggest you bought at least one bottle from Secrist, as it's a very handy size and easy to work with, but when it runs out, buy a refill from the hardware store. :)
God Bless You, Andrea D.
'Andrea's Dream Babies: giving every mommy a chance to hold the babies of their dreams . . . forever.' See my website at: www.freewebs.com/andreasdreambabies
yea i have never heard of archival before either, I use Art spectrum odourless thinners..Not problem with chalky babies. and evaporation time a couple of hours. But the paint stays, just have to add thinners again to use it
The bi-racial baby in my Avatar is Ashton, created from a Antonio Juan speciality play doll.
Tessa where are you again?? I get it from Jacksons art supply, Eckeslys in Sydney would deffinetly have it - at least they should, they stock everything art related under the sun LOL
ok, im totally new to this reborning art and even though i was told the effects of acrlyic paints arent great im going to give them a shot.. i cant afford the ghsp at the moment. what kind of thinner would i use for acrylic paints?