1. if your wanting to go into this as a business, people wont buy babies done with anything other than genesis these days.
2. oils take a long time to dry fully
3. oils crack, and on vinyl will peal with age... think of the paintings you see in art gallaries, old oil paintings... they have a crackled appearance to the surface. This is just what happens with the aging process of oils and with such a smooth surface such as vinyl it will eventually pull away and flake of with nothing for the paint to "bite" into.
precious.. thanks for the heads up. Yeah, I figured no one buys them painted in oils - this is more just as a way to test out painting stuff. I have oils you see, I figured I'd give them a go! And with a $5 mini berenguer I am not going to care if I ruin it too much! :)
T.E.A... thank you! I think they are the ones I had seen, but I am going to look again!
Hello, I,m back and I can see you have all been busy. As for painting with oils ,they are crappy, the first 2 dolls I did was with a teacher and she used AS oil paints. So stupid me went out and spent about $80 on paints I will never use. Next lot of lessons was with ink and I,m happy with that but that was another $60 approx. Now I realy do want to try Genesis but have to wait till finances pick up. Old age and all that. Hopefully that will be in the next few weeks, so I can order a Secrist Kit and the petite set of paints to put one into the comp, before Sept. June M from Oz.
yeah, I am not expecting great results... at the same time.. I only spent $5 on the doll.. ! :D
I just figured I could have a go using the materials I have here... and considering I don't have acetone, (bugger!) it could be a very bodge job indeedy
1. if your wanting to go into this as a business, people wont buy babies done with anything other than genesis these days.
I don't agree with that statement; sorry.
There are reborn artists that still use oils and acrylics/gouche that obtain outstanding results and have not had any problems with paint fading or comeing off.
Use whatever paint medium that you're comfortable with and can afford. Pay close attention and track the results of your work is what I would recommend. And have fun....
Well I have been working hard at my baby. I ended up using acrylic... might still redo the face as the results are not what I wanted... but will see...
Still a bit red... might need to do a stronger mint wash.. going for the uber newborn look though so still needs to be a bit red... unfortunately my purple was was a bit strong, so have a bit of a bruised look, but it's not as bad as I expected LOL!
now.. if only it were not so addictive... my shoulders are killing me!!!
Hi! I use artisians oils. I have had no problems so far (been about 4 years) They are water based and sooo easy to mix. I tried genesis and they didnt work too good for me. Each to his own:)
Hello, I,m back and I can see you have all been busy. As for painting with oils ,they are crappy, the first 2 dolls I did was with a teacher and she used AS oil paints. So stupid me went out and spent about $80 on paints I will never use. Next lot of lessons was with ink and I,m happy with that but that was another $60 approx. Now I realy do want to try Genesis but have to wait till finances pick up. Old age and all that. Hopefully that will be in the next few weeks, so I can order a Secrist Kit and the petite set of paints to put one into the comp, before Sept. June M from Oz.
Since Pat isn't here to share her vast knowledge of paints I'll try to remember how she explained it to us way back when. Basically, not all paints will permanently stick to vinyl. Plastic is a tricky substance and the paints have to be specially formulated to last on them. That is what is so amazing about Genesis! I know people who use a couple of air dry paints (no idea which ones) and love them. They are out there, it is a matter of knowing your stuff!
Personally, I'm too impatient for air dry. I like curing my paints in 8 minutes! LOL!
Wow, I bake mine in the oven too. for 8 min, with artisian oils. I have been out of forums on reborn doll's for the past 18 month's. my brother was killed, dad with MI, mom with Breast cancer, now dad with prostate cancer. Is there a link somewhere about not using artisian oil paint's? My doll's I have here are ok and the doll's I have sold are good, as I just took 2 more order's from repeat customer's in my hometown. Is genesis where you dont have to mix it now? I am sooo outta of the loop:(
Kareng, my heart goes out to you . I know how you must be feeling.I lost our !st son in 73. My mum had panciatic cancer lost her in 91 the my dad in 92. It,s hard sometimes because you forget and you have something to say and their not there. As for your reborning dolls it is a great hobby and you can make a few $,s to buy your next kit. At present I have a husband who has had 2 fractured hips and pelvis Jan 07 and now have found out no,s 2-7 disc are pressing on his spinal cord and nerves. But life goes on , so reborning takes your mind off a lot things, as far as the paints, I,ve tried oils, the A.S. brand on my first 2 babies and then ink on the rest. Since being on the forum with my new family, I have learnt so much. At present I am waiting on my finances picking up so I can order a kit and the petite set of Genesis paints, if you have a look though some of the topics you,ll see step by step painting with Genesis from Precious lullabyes.June M from Oz