Thanks Tiny Earth Angels.... i was just wondering if you re-pounced with previously loaded thinner on the foam wedge are you taking off your new paintwork on the second doll kit ???
~ My avatar pic is my latest reborn baby - a luca ~
thinners thins the paint doesnt remove it completely so its pretty safe if i was to use the same wedge i would use the same colour for example have a wedge for my flesh 08 layer a wedge for my mottling layer etc that way your using the same colours, i rarely use wedges these days i like the sponges alot better and yep i use the same sponge hehee
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose
Sorry to keep asking soooo many Q's Tiny Earth Angels !!! but when you say you use sponges.... do you get a good coverage ??? or do you just do many, many layers >> i am very interested in this method, i had heard previously it was for the mottling layer but if you could do this for every layer does it mean you get very textured skin as opposed to the wedges method?? (BTW ~ i checked out your w/site ~ very cute!)
~ My avatar pic is my latest reborn baby - a luca ~
with wedges i found i would be pouncing and pouincing then id have to repounce cause of that little damn line that kept appearing! it drove me nuts so i went to the 2 buck shop and bought a car wash sponge i cut it to small bits and started to use that for my first layer there were no more lines yay! so i used it again for my second layer (different skin tone) and it blended really nice, for my mottling however it wasnt doing a good job so i bought a sea sponge from the cosmetic shop and i use that to do my mottling i also cut another car sponge into tiny tiny bits and i use little bits at a time to give like a capilliary effect on bubs little legs arms and cheeks, I dont have a full car sponge at the moment i just have peices ive made but when i buy a new one i will try post some pics so you know what im talking about (((hugs))
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose
i was just thinking do you have a scourer the one that has the green scourer on the top and the yellow foam underneath? if so cut one up into squares this i found also puts the layers on really evenly using the yellow bit of course hehe it also provided a firmness when pouncing i have used that for my first and second skin tone layers too ((hugs)))
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose
Hi guys, i was just wondering do i need to use a "new" set of foam wedges for pouncing each reborn baby ??
I almost never replace my sponges. If you use Genesis, you simply wash them out every few dolls and they are like new again. I have 4 sponges: blue for veining, red for blushing, flesh for flesh tones and one for matte varnish only.
Thanks for that HBMama... i'll try that in the future !!! :o) & Tiny Earth Angels i will be off shopping for a car sponge (might just steal one of hubbies hehehe) & a scourer... yellow/green is the homebrand one o.k. ?? and do u detach the green layer.... as i find if you held it up that way i know the homebrand gives your hand the prickles from the green stuff lolol ( this prolly makes no sense whatsoever!!!) like you i am sick of getting those foam wedge edge lines :o( so i will definately do that... i will like to see your photos of this !!! i am waiting for my next two doll kits to arrive ... i am so nervous ... dont want to muck them up !!! my last kit i was sooo frustrated with it i sent it to a friend to reborn, just kept having a few blank spots on the vinyl where the paint did not want to bond to the vinyl, however i will try what you've suggested as it should give lovely coverage, hopefully this way i wont be sending the next two off !!! so thanks again :o)
~ My avatar pic is my latest reborn baby - a luca ~
your welcome if you get the car sponge you wont need the scourer and yep cheap ones work good i cut the green of cause your right it hurts lol basicaly when you look for the car sponge look for somthing that looks like the yellow bit on the scourer i dont know any other way to describe it i use this for my flesh layers they are also good for blushing but mottling look toward a sea sponge if you can it gives the best effect (((hugs)))
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose
Stephanie its lovely to see you! may i ask what you use to wash your sponges with? i usualy throw mine away when theyve had enough, i didnt realise i could wash and reuse (((hugs)))
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose