yes my mother makes allot of my baby outfits - christening gowns and pretty little dresses. She's a great seamstress, she even made my aunt's wedding gown.
Mum and i complement each other well - she's more crafty, i'm more arty. When it comes to the babies together we make a good team. I can sew, but i don't have the patience for it and i'm lacking in the professional finishing that makes quality garments - mine *look* home sewn, mum's look professional.
on and my grandmother knits all my booties and little hats. The booties this little girls has on are knitted with lace in with them. She sends me all different sizes, colours and styles. She lives in Tassie (a 7hr plane trip away from us) but she gets in there too.
three generations coming together in the creation and dressing of my little bub's.