aww thankyou so much guys (((hugs))) Buffington that means alot to me they are only the second hand painted brows ive done i usualy hand root all mine but im finding that painting them is so much quicker so thankyou ((hugs))
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose
Thankyou all so much for your lovely comments ill post piccies when he is completed that will be in a couple weeks im waiting on more of his hair to arrive and to pay of my layby on his clothes hehehe
T.E.A Giving mummy's the joy to forever hold their little Angels
Baby in my Avatar is a little Teagan sculpt by Denise Pratt now Little EarthAngel Aimee Rose