Here is an exact quote from Mr Secrist himself on the dilema:
" We have never used Pyrole red 07. We recommend one of two kinds of Pyrole red: 02 or 05. 02 is the red that we used in our blush, lip and wrinkles mix as seen in our $15 Reborning overview DVD. In our advanced Reborning DVD we used 05. I dont recommend going any lighter than 05 though as it will change the mix ratio."
I'm sorry, my bad! I guess "I'm" the one who didn't read your difficulty correctly. I presumed it was in one of the DVD;s not the magazine. I'll look at the tutorial catalog right away and see if I can find it. In the interum... can you tell me what page it's on in case I can't find it.
I have also been looking for this colour; because, it is the colour used for the [Mottling, Special Effect tutorial] It is quite easy to mix yourself.The #7 Pyrole red is a peach color, less intense than the #5 color. This shade is a combination of Genesis Red #03 & Bismuth Yellow #07 which are an orange/red tone and a bright yellow on the [warm side] of the colour spectrum. You can mix your own by using white as the base paint with a tiny touch of this red & yellow until it looks like the color in the paint chart of the Pyrole#7. This color is then added to your flesh color #08 [when you mix this up be sure to add your thinner to the white and your flesh colour first]. I use the Genesis thinner [ 1dash + 1 pinch each] to each the white and flesh colour. Some use those same measurements for the odorless thinner, whatever you prefer. It should look a pale coral/peach color. Use the paint charts to match this color. Hope this helps.
Unfortunately I don't have any of those colors, LOL. I'd be better off buying the full ounce from an online artstore! What I like about buying from places like Secrist and Bountiful Baby is that they sell the petite sizes knowing that when you are painting dolls you don't need that much. An ounce is way too much.
Mr Secrist said to use the Pyrole Red 05 and it will be ok. Here is the quote: "That tutorial slipped by me when it came to the 07. We would normally never allow a tutorial that did not use our materials. We would use the 05 instead."
You may want to add a little white as this will peachy it out some towards the 07 since that is a lighter color than the 05. Try it one dot at a time of white added. But he says definately use the 05 instead.