I have painted my first two dolls using stencil paints, and it seems to work ok, but I would like to get even more realisim in the next doll I do. I am looking to try using the GHSP, and my question is this: What do I honestly need to get started? I was already planning on getting the beginner classroom DVD, the Petite pre-mixed paint set, brushes, and Baby Tears. Is there anything else I need? The paint pallet maybe? Glaze? Varnish? Thanks in advanced for the help
When I started I purchased the Genesis Petite regular paint set, oderless paint thinner, brushes, and glue along with the other items you mentioned. I also use a clear deviled egg dish that has deep curves in it and I mix all my colors in that dish. Good luck on finding one though...It took me several stores..the dollar store use to carry them, but I ended up getting it off the internet. the kitchen store carried it for 2.99 It was worth the cost and shipping because I love it.
You may want to ask around about the opinions of the pre-mix verse the paint you mix yourself. My instructor recommended the regular.
I would skip the palette. Go to Target or Walmart and get yourself some shallow ceramic or glass dishes. The palette is way too small to work with, imo. I just found some at Target for $1.49 each. I've only used the Bountiful Baby pre-mixed so I can't tell you if you'll need other colors or not. With the BB ones you do need other colors because some aren't quite right. I would also get Matte Varnish and Genesis Thinning medium. The thinning medium is important for when you do the lips and nails because with paint thinner you'll end up with pigment getting in the crevices of the mouth and the beds of the nails! I would also get one of the maxine's mop for each color. It helps tremendously with getting the paint mixed in with each color. I would skip the baby tears. I only use them when I have an open mouthed baby so I can make "spit" I wouldn't consider them a necessity by any means.
So here is my checklist:
Instructions (DVD) Pre-mixed paint set brushes (get extra of the Maxine's mop) (you can buy here or locally) Genesis Heat Set Matte Varnish Glass or ceramic shallow bowls for mixing paint. (Buy locally) Paint Thinner (Buy locally) Genesis Thinning Medium.
I'd also recommend you pick up some cosmetic foam wedges and different kinds of sponges for mottling. Loves, I use the baby tears for glazing my eyes before I insert them. And for spit like you said.
Thanks everyone, great tips! One question though, the website says that the pre-mixed paints already have thinning medium in them. Is that enough, or do I need more?
I am going to wait on making my purchase until school is out (I am a teacher) so I have time to really concentrate on this project. I am very excited to get started!
Loves, Pat might be able to explain better than me on how to use Baby Tears. But you use a very soft brush so it doesn't leave marks. And a light hand. I went through a couple pairs of eyes before I could do it. It gives the eyes such depth and realism. But I was told you can also use Folk Art outdoor gloss sealer - put a drop or two on each eye. That one spreads by itself so there's no risk of brush marks. I haven't tried that one yet though.
Good lists people!! Yes, in the premixed paints, the lip color already has thinner preadded, so does the eyebrow color I believe. Most of the others do not as you would need to thin them to use them (most to the consistency of lite cream or more).
The babytears can be put in before insertion of the eyes. I use a very soft sable brush (quality or you'll get hairs from the brush left on the eye) or a very soft white or golden takalon brush, very light strokes and tilt the eye in the light so you can see from alllllll angles if there are brush lines or hairs.
Our Newborning I is a general overview of the whole process of newborning. The best DVD to get for newbies (IMHO) is the Beginner Classroom Training because it has many closeups AND an accompanying CD that has color charts, and placement charts amongst other things! GREAT DVD!!!