This is my first open-eyed doll and wanted to glaze the eyes before I insert them. But the paper glaze is very goopy and when I try to spread it, whatever I spread it with leaves marks. What do you all use to apply the glaze to the eyes?
I used a very soft paint brush. I opened the glaze and dipped my brush directly into the glaze and brushed off the excess. I put a thin layer on my dolls eyes and let it dry over night.
Thin is better to start can always go back. I learned this the hard way. I had put a thick coat on...when it dried it was awful...It was streaky and you could no longer see the detail of the eye. I had to take the eyes back out...I used goo gone and finger nail polish remover to get all the glue off the eyes and I had to start all over.
When I used a thin coat and I didn't keep going over it to spread it...It went on better and looked better after it dried.
Zona, thanks a lot for the info. I'll definitely follow your advice. Now I just have to wait for my new eyes to come in. Trying to get the glaze off my eyes, one ended up cracking. Live and learn. Thanks again!
A sable brush is good, it's nice and soft. But watch out for the little hairs that might come off. Otherwise a golden or white takalon works well, more of a flat than a round. And like Zona said, better to start with a thin layer